Technical Art Portfolio


With additional backgrounds in both Engineering and Programming I have been able to fuse both of these into my art projects to create custom animation rigs, mechatronics projects and anything that I can stuff it into really. I am proficient in a multitude of programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, MaxScript and more. I also have experience in both Unity and Unreal game engines.


Custom Facial Rig (3DS Max)

I developed a custom face rig in 3DS Max as well as a script to go along with it to aid in animation. Scripted in MaxScript.


Roll Script (3DS Max)

I have developed a rolling object script that uses the quaternion rotational method as opposed to the euler rotational method to simulate realworld rolling of spheres and cubes. Scripted in MaxScript.

Transformation Mask

I had the amazing opportunity to work with Microsoft and Shawn Hunt to produce the 'Transformation mask'. This is an interactive art installation that incorporates 3D printing, mechatronics and HoloLens into a traditional transformation mask design.


Wall-E Robot

Using a combination of laser cutting and 3D printing to modify a robot kit from Elegoo. I created a Wall-E inspired robot capable of being controlled from a phone via bluetooth.