Squid Brain Toolset
Import Assets
Import Assets to Unreal
This button is fairly self explanatory, basically this will import any new animated assets that are not already imported into the engine and place them in the correct folder.If this isn’t working then you likely have the cache folder set incorrectly in the users.ini file.
Note: Currently if there are updates to animations that have already been imported for this tool to work we would need to delete the asset from the project first and then this tool will pick it up as a new asset that doesn’t exist yet.
Sequence Tools
Sequence and Shot Input
The two Sequence and Shot text fields are where you will place the sequence and shot number that you want to create or work on.
Example: inputting 010 into the Sequence field and 120 into the Shot field we would be referencing shot code 010-120.
Create Sequence
This will create the sequence that is set in the Sequence and Shot fields. This creates all the needed sub-sequences and places them inside the Sequences folder of the project under a specified folder structure.
Add Assets To Sequence
If there are imported assets for the shot that you are working on this will add them to the shot that is referenced in the Sequence and Shot fields.Note: If this doesn’t seem to work it is likely that the imported assets aren’t saved to disk. You can go to File>Save All (Ctrl+Shift+S) to save everything in the project and then this should work.
Add Camera To Sequence
This is similar to adding assets to the sequence except that it is adding the camera. This will import the camera from the export cache folder.If this isn’t working then you likely have the cache folder set incorrectly in the users.ini file.
Open Sequence
This button will open the sequence that is associated with the shot and will only work if there is a sequence created.
Open Level
This button will open the level that is associated with the shot. This checks Shotgrid for a location asset that is linked to the shot code.
Animation/Lighting/VFX Buttons
These buttons are toggles that will switch between which subsequence to reference when creating possessables and spawnables.
Create as Possessable
This button will add any assets that you have selected in the viewport to the highlighted subsequence as a possessable.Create as Spawnable
This button will add any assets that you have selected in the viewport to the highlighted subsequence as a spawnable.Note: If trying to create an object that is part of a level/map as a spawnable, the engine will crash, only create spawnables out of objects that you add to the sequence that aren’t currently part of a subsequence.
Note: If trying to create an object that is part of a level/map as a spawnable, the engine will crash, only create spawnables out of objects that you add to the sequence that aren’t currently part of a subsequence.
Note2: The possessable and spawnable create buttons work on the open sequence and not on the sequence referenced with the sequence and shot inputs.
Lighting Tools
Add Base Lighting
For each button under this heading it will change the base lighting in the lighting sub-scene to be the chosen option.
Add Lights
For each button under this heading will add a light in the lighting sub-sequence above the selected asset in the viewport.
Note: If multiple objects are selected it will add the light above the centre of the selected group. Also if nothing is selected it will add the light to the origin of the world.
Three Point Lighting
This will create a basic 3 point lighting rig around the open scenes camera.
Copy and Paste Lighting
This will copy and paste the lighting from one sequence to another. To use this tool you would need to have the scene that you want to copy the lighting into, and then input the sequence and shot into the appropriate fields of the shot that you want to copy the lighting from.There is also a save lighting button which will need to be pressed after the lighting has been copied to the new shot.
Level Visibility
Push to Level Visibility
This button will create the level visible and hidden tracks in the lighting sub-sequence. The visibility tracks created will mirror what is hidden and visible in the level outliner.
Render Queue
Render Preset
This dropdown will contain all of the projects render presets.
Add Shots from Shotgrid
This button adds all the shots that have been marked as ready for render on shotgrid.
Open Render Queue
This button will open the render queue.
Refresh Render Queue
This will show, in a list, all the shots that have been added to the render queue. Beside the shot name there will be a clear button, pressing this will clear that shot from the render queue without having to open it.
Clear Render Queue
This will clear the render queue entirely.