Skip The Dishes
This was a project that I came up with and worked on over a couple days while in self isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Skip The Dishes was an app that I used a little more often than I normally would have. And in using it I found that although I liked the base functionality and thought the app worked well for what it was, I couldn’t help but notice that the aesthetics of the whole thing could be better (in my opinion). So I took it upon myself to do a critique of the app design and redesign it to look more modern while keeping the underlining functionality that brought me to use the app in the first place.
The first problem I noticed with the app was the button interface, their was no consistency of style between the different pages of the app. Also I am a big proponent of dark themes, I know that this isn’t an app that you spend a lot of time on so having a dark them to save on battery power wouldn’t be the main reason to do this, however I think having the dark UI really makes the images of food pop and become more appealing.
For the filter options I decided to design my own icons for the different main filters that you can select between, such as Chicken, Vegetarian, Pizza etc. This made those smaller and more concise than the original, which had large tiles for each of those options.
For some of the less front facing pages like the search and previous orders pages. I wanted to make sure to keep them consistent with the rest of the app and use a separation line between options, just as is done within the restaurant menus.
This was a really fun exercise in creating a functional app on an existing product, and looking back on it I really feel I improved the look and in turn the user interaction of this application.
Photo Credits:
Burger Photo by Niklas Rhöse on Unsplash
Salad Photo by Nadine Primeau on Unsplash
Pizza 1 Photo by Aurélien Lemasson-Théobald on Unsplash
Pizza 2 Photo by Louis Hansel @shotsoflouis on Unsplash
Pizza 3 Photo by Jonas Kakaroto on Unsplash